Business Development

Witnessing loading operation at overseas LNG terminals

Starting witnessing loading operation services at the LNG loading port of Bontang, Indonesia in the beginning of 1980, we have been actively expanding the area of the service such as Dampier, Barrow Island and Onslow of Australia and Sakhalin of Russia.

We will develop our business expansion to overseas by providing high level services with “JESCO quality”, accumulating technical know-how and collaborating with group company networks (Sojitz Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation, and LNG JAPAN Corporation).

Consulting services related to LNG delivery

Since the foundation of the company, we have been handling over 10,000 LNG vessels during 35 years.

Over 35 years since establishment of the company, the knowledge of LNG delivery that we have accumulated through attendance of far more than 10,000 vessels, and also the talented personal of the company has become the key of the value for our services.
LNG volume to be imported to Japan is expected to be increased in the future. We are confident to offer high quality services through our experience in the area of technical consulting for LNG delivery such as Ship/Shore compatibility.